As HRSA’s HIV/AIDS Bureau’s (HAB) Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program moves forward in its fourth decade, HRSA HAB is using tools such as implementation science, rapid HIV medication start, long-acting injectable treatment, community-based outreach, and HIV treatment as prevention available to end the HIV epidemic in the United States.
In April 2024, HRSA announced the Ryan White Program 2030, which builds off the foundation of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program and the innovative strategies from the first four years of the federal Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. initiative. Ryan White Program 2030 calls on the HIV community to continue to care for those in the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program while we also prioritize efforts to reach people with HIV who are out of care and not virally suppressed.

By leveraging partnerships, focusing interventions, and engaging communities, we will bring more people into care to ultimately end the HIV epidemic. By focusing on reaching those who are out of care, we will ensure that no one is left behind in our efforts to end the HIV epidemic.
Read more in the Ryan White Program 2030 program letter (PDF - 294 KB).