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Part B: Grants to States and Territories

The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Part B provides grants to states and territories to improve HIV health care and support services. These improvements relate to quality, availability, and organization.

Which grants does Part B include?

The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Part B grants include:

  • Base grant: core medical and support services
  • Part B supplemental grant: for grant recipients who show need
  • AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP): grant and supplemental grant
  • ADAP emergency relief fund grant
  • Minority AIDS Initiative grants: education and outreach to improve minority access to medication assistance programs, including ADAP
  • Supplemental grants to states with emerging communities

Who are Part B grant recipients?

Grant recipients are the chief elected official (CEO) of a state or territory. They choose the state’s department of health or another state agency to carry out the grant. 

View the list of FY 2023 Part B grant awards.

Which areas are eligible for Part B grants?

For the purposes of the RWHAP, “states and territories” includes all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau. 

We also give funding to the state or territory for emerging communities. These communities report between 500 and 999 reported AIDS cases over the most recent five years.

How do you determine base grants?

We use a formula that is based on reported living cases of HIV in the state or territory in the most recent calendar year for which data is available. This decides Part B and ADAP base grants.

Learn more about ADAP base and supplemental grants, and emergency relief funding.

What services do Part B grant recipients provide?

RWHAP Part B funds medications, core medical services and support services.  States/territories determine the specific services funded based on their jurisdiction’s needs assessment and available funding. In addition, all Part B recipients and subrecipients must help eligible clients find health care coverage.

What core medical and support services can Part B grant recipients fund?

Core Medical Services

  • Outpatient and ambulatory health services
  • AIDS Drug Assistance Program 
  • AIDS pharmaceutical assistance
  • Oral health care
  • Early intervention services
  • Health insurance premium and cost-sharing assistance
  • Home health care
  • Medical nutrition therapy
  • Hospice services
  • Home and community-based health services
  • Mental health services
  • Outpatient substance abuse care
  • Medical case management, including treatment-adherence services

Support Services

  • Outreach
  • Medical transportation
  • Linguistic services
  • Respite care for caregivers of people with HIV/AIDS
  • Referrals for health care and other support services
  • Non-medical case management
  • Residential substance abuse treatment services

What percent of funding goes to core medical services and support services?

Part B grant recipients must spend:  

  • At least 75% on core medical services
  • No more than 25% on support services

A waiver of this 75% core medical services requirement is permitted if: (1) there are no waiting lists for ADAP and (2) core medical services are available to all individuals identified and eligible in an applicant's service area.   

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