We develop Policy Notices to help grant recipients understand and carry out RWHAP legislation.
- 21-02 Determining Client Eligibility & Payor of Last Resort in the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (PDF - 68 KB)
- Dear Colleague Letter for PCN 21-02 (PDF - 58 KB)
- 21-01 Waiver of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Core Medical Services Expenditure Requirement (PDF - 202 KB)*
- 18-02 The Use of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Funds for Core Medical Services and Support Services for People Living with HIV Who Are Incarcerated and Justice Involved (PDF - 65 KB)
- 18-01 Clarifications Regarding the use of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Funds for Health Care Coverage Premium and Cost Sharing Assistance (PDF - 84 KB)
- 16-02 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services: Eligible Individuals and Allowable Uses of Funds (PDF - 172 KB) (Effective for awards made on or after October 1, 2016)
- 16-01 Clarification of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Policy on Services Provided to Veterans (PDF - 44 KB)
- 15-04 Utilization and Reporting of Pharmaceutical Rebates (PDF - 45 KB)
- 15-03 Clarifications Regarding the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program and Program Income (PDF - 197 KB)
- 15-02 Clinical Quality Management Policy Clarification Notice (PDF - 81 KB)
- 15-01 Treatment of Costs under the 10% Administrative Cap for Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part A, B, C, and D (PDF - 69 KB)
- 14-01 Clarifications Regarding the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program and Reconciliation of Advance Premium Tax Credits Under the Affordable Care Act (PDF - 299 KB)
- Frequently Asked Questions for Policy Clarification Notice 14-01 (PDF - 102 KB)
- Clarifications Regarding the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program and Reconciliation of Advanced Premium Tax Credits Under the Affordable Care Act (PDF - 188 KB) Federal Register (07/14/2014)
- 13-04 Clarifications Regarding Clients Eligible for Private Health Insurance and Coverage of Services by Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (PDF - 34 KB)
- 13-03 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Client Eligibility Determinations: Considerations Post-Implementation of the Affordable Care Act (PDF - 32 KB)
- 13-01 Clarifications Regarding Medicaid-Eligible Clients and Coverage of Services by Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (PDF - 265 KB)
- 12-02 Part A and Part B Unobligated Balances and Carryover (PDF - 186 KB)
- 11-03 Residence of Planning Council Members and Consortia Members (PDF - 20 KB)
- 11-02 Clarification of Legislative Language Regarding Contracting with For Profit Entities (PDF - 21 KB)
- 07-03 Use of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part B ADAP Funds for Access, Adherence, and Monitoring Services (PDF - 25 KB)
- 07-02 Use of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Funds for HIV Diagnostics and Laboratory Tests Policy (PDF - 32 KB)
- 07-01 Use of Funds for American Indians and Alaska Natives and Indian Health Service Programs (PDF - 2 MB)
*Note: Persons using assistive technology may not be able to fully access information in this file. For assistance, please email Amy Schachner or call 301-443-1993.
- 13-07: Uniform Standard for Waiver of Core Medical Services Requirement for Grantees Under Parts, A, B, and C (PDF - 44 KB) Replaced by 21-01 effective 10/1/2021.
- Sample Letters for Requesting a Waiver of the Core Medical Services Requirement in the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (PDF - 258 KB)
- October 25, 2013 Federal Register Notice on the Core Medical Services Waiver Requirements (PDF - 182 KB)
- May 24, 2013 Federal Register Notice on: Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Core Medical Services Waiver; Application Requirement (PDF - 182 KB)
- 13-06 Clarifications Regarding Use of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Funds for Premium and Cost-Sharing Assistance for Medicaid (PDF - 185 KB) Replaced by 18-01 effective 8/30/2018.
- 13-05 Clarifications Regarding Use of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Funds for Premium and Cost-Sharing Assistance for Private Health Insurance (PDF - 129 KB) Replaced by 18-01 effective 8/30/2018.
- 13-02 Clarifications on Ryan White Program Client Eligibility Determinations and Recertifications Requirements (PDF - 173 KB). Replaced by 21-02 effective 10/19/2021.
- 12-01 The Use of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Funds for Outreach Services (PDF - 21 KB) Replaced by 16-02 effective 10/22/2018.
- 11-04 Use of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Funding for Staff Training (PDF - 19 KB) Replaced by 15-01 and 15-02 effective 9/1/2020.
- 10-02 Eligible Individuals & Allowable Uses of Funds for Discretely Defined Categories of Services (PDF - 138 KB). Effective through September 30, 2016. Replaced by 16-02 effective 10/22/2018.
- 07-05 Use of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part B ADAP Funds to Purchase Health Insurance (PDF - 696 KB) Replaced by 18-01 effective 8/30/2018.
- 07-04 Use of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Funds for Transitional Social Support and Primary Care Services for Incarcerated Persons (PDF - 102 KB). Replaced by 18-02 effective 11/30/2018.
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