National Quality Forum#: None
Description: Percentage of HIV positive tests1 in the measurement year
Numerator: Number of HIV positive tests1 in the 12-month measurement period
Denominator: Number of HIV tests conducted in the 12-month measurement period
Patient Exclusions: None
Data Elements:
- Number of HIV tests conducted in the measurement year
- Of the number of HIV tests conducted, number that were HIV positive1
National goals, targets, or benchmarks for comparison
This HIV/AIDS Bureau measure aligns with the following national indicators:
- Healthy People 2030
- Objective HIV-01: Reduce the number of new HIV infections. Most recent data 37,000 persons (2017); target 3,000 persons.
- Objective HIV-02: Increase knowledge of HIV status. Most recent data 85.8% (2017); target 95%.
- Objective HIV-03: Reduce the number of new HIV infections. Most recent data 37,000 persons (2017); target 3,000 persons.
- National HIV/AIDS Strategy (2022-2025)
- Indicator 1: Increase knowledge of status. Baseline result 85.8% (2017); target by 2025, increase to 95%.
- Indicator 2: Reduce new HIV infection. Baseline result 37,000 (2017); target by 2025, reduce incidence by 75% from baseline. By 2030, reduce incidence by 90% from baseline.
- Indicator 3: Reduce new HIV diagnoses. Baseline result 38,351 (2017); target by 2025, reduce diagnoses by 90% from baseline. By 2030, reduce diagnoses by 90% from baseline.
- Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. initiative
- Indicator 1: Most recent result 34,800 new HIV infections (2019); target to reduce the number of new HIV infections by 75% by 2025 and 90% by 2030.
- Indicator 2: Knowledge of status. Most recent result 86.7% of people estimated to be living with HIV have received a diagnosis (2019); target to increase knowledge of status by 95% by 2025.
- Indicator 3: Most recent result 36,337 people were diagnosed with HIV (2019); target to decrease confirmed HIV diagnoses to 25% by 2025 and 8% by 2030.
The HIV Quality Measures (HIVQM) Module is a tool within the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Services Report portal. It allows recipients to enter aggregate data specific to HRSA HAB Performance Measures. The HIVQM Module allows recipients to conduct point-in-time benchmarking across Ryan White HIV/AIDS Programs that use the module.
Department of Health and Human Services Clinical Practice Guidelines
Use in other federal programs
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services HIV measures: Sebelius Approves Indicators for Monitoring HHS-Funded HIV Services
- This measure is linked to an exact or similar indicator(s) within Healthy People 2030, the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (2022-2025), and the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. initiative.
1 "Test positive" includes only a confirmatory HIV test, regardless of the test used.