The Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) Buprenorphine Initiative was designed to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of integrating buprenorphine opioid abuse treatment into HIV primary care settings with an ultimate goal of improving the health of people living with HIV and opioid dependency. This initiative began in September 2004 and was led by the New York Academy of Medicine (NYAM), which served as the Evaluation and Technical Assistance Center. NYAM coordinated the multi-site evaluation of the demonstration sites and provided them with technical assistance.
The ten demonstration project grant recipients included: The Miriam Hospital (Providence, RI); El Rio Santa Cruz Neighborhood Health Center (Tucson, AZ); The Hektoen Institute (Chicago, IL); Johns Hopkins School of Medicine (Baltimore, MD); Montefiore Medical Center (Bronx, NY); OASIS (Oakland, CA); Oregon Health and Science University (Portland, OR); University of California, San Francisco; University of Miami (Miami, FL); and Yale University (New Haven, CT).
Tetrault JM, McCance-Katz EF, Moody DE, Fiellin DA, Lruie BS, DInh AT, & Fiellin LE. The Impact of Recent Cocaine Use on Plasma Levels of Methadone and Buprenorphine in Patients with and Without HIV-infection. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, April 2015; 51: 70-74. PubMed Abstract
Cunningham CO, Giovanniello A, Li X, Kunins HV, Roose RJ, & Sohler NL. A comparison of buprenorphine induction strategies: Patient-centered home-based inductions versus standard-of-care office-based inductions. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, June 2011; 40(4): 349-356. PubMed Abstract
Friedland G and Vlahov D. Integration of Buprenorphine for Substance-Abuse Treatment by HIV Care Providers. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, March 2011; 56 (Supplement 1): S1-S2. No abstract available.
Cheever LW, Kresina TF, Cajina A, & Lubran R. A Model Federal Collaborative to Increase Patient Access to Buprenorphine Treatment in HIV Primary Care. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, March 2011; 56 (Supplement 1): S3-S6. PubMed Abstract
Weiss L, Egan JE, Botsko M, Netherland J, Fiellin D, Finkelstein R. The BHIVES Collaborative: Organization and Evaluation of a Multisite Demonstration of Integrated Buprenorphine/Naloxone and HIV Treatment. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, March 2011; 56 (Supplement 1): S7-S13. PubMed Abstract
Chaudhry AA, Botsko M, Weiss L, Egan JE, Mitty J, Estrada B, Lucas GM, Woodson T, Flanigan TP, & Fiellin DA, for the BHIVES Collaborative. Participant Characteristics and HIV Risk Behaviors Among Individuals Entering Integrated Buprenorphine/Naloxone and HIV Care. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, March 2011; 56 (Supplement 1): S14-S21. PubMed Abstract
Altice FL, Bruce RD, Lucas GM, Lum PJ, Korthuis PT, Flanigan TP, Cunningham CO, Sullivan LE, Vergara-Rodriguez P, Fiellin DA, Cajina A, Botsko M, Nandi V, Gourevitch MN, Finkelstein R, and the BHIVES Collaborative (2011) HIV Treatment Outcomes Among HIV-Infected, Opioid-Dependent Patients Receiving Buprenorphine/Naloxone Treatment within HIV Clinical Care Settings: Results From a Multisite Study. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, March 2011; 56 (Supplement 1): S22-S32. PubMed Abstract
Fiellin DA, Weiss L, Botsko M, Egan JE, Altice FL, Bazerman LB, Chaudhry A, Cunningham CO, Gourevitch MN, Lum PJ, Sullivan LE, Schottenfeld RS, & O'Connor PG, for the BHIVES Collaborative. Drug Treatment Outcomes Among HIV-Infected Opioid-Dependent Patients Receiving Buprenorphine/Naloxone. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, March 2011; 56 (Supplement 1): S33-S38. PubMed Abstract
Korthuis PT, Tozzi MJ, Nandi V, Fiellin DA, Weiss L, Egan JE, Botsko M, Acosta A, Gourevitch MN, Hersh D, Hsu J, Boverman J, & Altice FL, for the BHIVES Collaborative. Improved Quality of Life for Opioid-Dependent Patients Receiving Buprenorphine Treatment in HIV Clinics. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, March 2011; 56 (Supplement 1): S39-S45. PubMed Abstract
Egan JE, Netherland J, Gass J, Finkelstein R, & Weiss L, for the BHIVES Collaborative. Patient Perspectives on Buprenorphine/Naloxone Treatment in the Context of HIV Care. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, March 2011; 56 (Supplement 1): S46-S53. PubMed Abstract
Sullivan LE, Botsko M, Cunningham CO, O'Connor PG, Hersh D, Mitty J, Lum PJ, Schottenfeld RS, & Fiellin DA, for the BHIVES Collaborative. The Impact of Cocaine Use on Outcomes in HIV-Infected Patients Receiving Buprenorphine/Naloxone. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, March 2011; 56 (Supplement 1): S54-S61. PubMed Abstract
Vergara-Rodriguez P, Tozzi MJ, Botsko M, Nandi V, Altice F, Egan JE, O'Connor PG, Sullivan LE, & Fiellin DA, for the BHIVES Collaborative. Hepatic Safety and Lack of Antiretroviral Interactions With Buprenorphine/Naloxone in HIV-Infected Opioid-Dependent Patients. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, March 2011; 56 (Supplement 1): S62-S67. PubMed Abstract
Weiss L, Netherland J, Egan JE, Flanigan TP, Fiellin DA, Finkelstein R, & Altice FL, for the BHIVES Collaborative. Integration of Buprenorphine/Naloxone Treatment into HIV Clinical Care: Lessons From the BHIVES Collaborative. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, March 2011; 56 (Supplement 1): S68-S75. PubMed Abstract
Schackman BR, Leff JA, Botsko M, Fiellin DA, Altice FL, Korthuis PT, Sohler N, Weiss L, Egan JE, Netherland J, Gass J, & Finkelstein R, for the BHIVES Collaborative. The Cost of Integrated HIV Care and Buprenorphine/Naloxone Treatment: Results of a Cross-Site Evaluation. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, March 2011; 56 (Supplement 1): S76-S82. PubMed Abstract
Korthuis PT, Fiellin DA, Fu Rongwei, Lum PJ, Altice FL, Sohler N, Tozzi MJ, Asch SM, Botsko M, Fishl M, Flanigan TP, Boverman J, & McCarty D, for the BHIVES Collaborative. Improving Adherence to HIV Quality of Care Indicators in Persons With Opioid Dependence: The Role of Buprenorphine. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, March 2011; 56 (Supplement 1): S83-S90. PubMed Abstract
Lum PJ, Little S, Botsko M, Hersh D, Thawley RE, Egan JE, Mitty J, Boverman J, & Fiellin DA, for the BHIVES Collaborative. Opioid-Prescribing Practices and Provider Confidence Recognizing Opioid Analgesic Abuse in HIV Primary Care Settings. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, March 2011; 56 (Supplement 1): S91-S97. PubMed Abstract
Finkelstein R, Netherland J, Sylla L, Gourevitch MN, Cajina A, Cheever L, for the BHIVES Collaborative. Policy Implications of Integrating Buprenorphine/Naloxone Treatment and HIV Care. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, March 2011; 56 (Supplement 1): S98-S104. PubMed Abstract
Whitley SD, Sohler NL, Kunins HV, Giovanniello A, Li X, Sacajiu G, & Cunningham CO. Factors associated with complicated buprenorphine inductions. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, July 2010; 39(1): 51-57. PubMed Abstract
Sohler NL, Li X, Kunins HV, Sacajiu G, Giovanniello A, Whitley S, & Cunningham CO. Home- versus office-based buprenorphine inductions for opioid-dependent patients. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, March 2010; 38(2): 153-159. PubMed Abstract
Cunningham CO, Giovanniello A, Sacajiu G, Li X, Brisbane M, & Sohler NL. Inquiries about and initiation of buprenorphine treatment in an inner-city clinic. Substance Abuse, July-September 2009; 30(3): 261-262. PubMed Abstract
Netherland J, Botsko M, Egan JE, Saxon AJ, Cunningham CO, Finkelstein R, Gourevitch MN, Renner JA, Sohler N, Sullivan LE, Weiss L, Fiellin DA; and the BHIVES Collaborative. Factors affecting willingness to provide buprenorphine treatment. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, April 2009; 36 (3): 244-51. PubMed Abstract
Cunningham CO, Kunins HV, Roose RJ, Elam RT, & Sohler NL. Barriers to obtaining waivers to prescribe buprenorphine for opioid addiction treatment among HIV physicians. Journal of General Internal Medicine, September 2007; 22 (9): 1325-1329. PubMed Abstract